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Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Michael Sandel
What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets
Tribute to Professor David Parker

We are saddened to report that David Parker passed away on Thursday 29 October, peacefully in his sleep. He had successfully battled multiple myeloma, a form of cancer, for the last two years and had remained mobile and cheerful until the final month or so.

Note: An obituary for David will be published on this website in the near future.

The Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities

3:30 Registration/Reception: 4:00-4:10 Opening 4:10-5:00 Talk and Round Table Discussion with Dr. Richard Armour, Secretary-General of the UGC 5:00-5:40 AGM Business 5:40-6:00 Short Meeting for the new executives Free parking is available on campus, please kindly let me know if you will be driving so that we can reserve a parking space for you closest to the meeting venue.


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